Advance Polarimeters are used for the determination of the Optical Rotation of all Optically Active substances and used in testing Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Essential Oils, Sugars, Foodstuffs, Brewery products etc.. The Polarimeters and Saccharimeters are available in two series. The PA Series is suitable for observation tubes up to 220mm while PB series can accommodate tubes upto 400 mm. They offer an accuracy of 0.01°Angular Scale and 0.5°ISS.
An outstanding feature of ADVANCE Polarimeters is the incorporation of precision glass scale and scale plate with minutely finished rotating mechanism and Tropic proof highly sensitive optical system. The test result can be read precisely and directly without the aid of a vernier and its associated errors. The latest addition is use of an Integrated Lighting System, in place of the bulky and fragile Sodium Lamp, which gives the advantage of immediate illumination while saving table space and electrical power.